
Hello there and welcome to my blog! I'll start by saying im Peter Cahill and I am a year two student at TU Dublin. I try to stay active by playing football, I train two nights a week and play games at the weekends, at the moment the team I play for is top of our league and I am on route to get my first ever leage medal at the age of 30, fingers crossed. I also try to play some golf when I can, I say try because im terrible at it but sure look its grand having an aul shwing at things.
Anyway,to give you some insight into who I am, I will tell you about the road that led me to TUD. I left school in 5th year to pursue what I thought was going to be the rest of my life, I had a trade lined up to become a plasterer and follow in my fathers footsteps. All was going well for about 2 months then out of nowhere BANG!!! recession. I had to be let go by my boss and was left twiddling my thumbs as was most people. Anyway not having a leaving cert meant that I was not going to get a job that payed well so I decided to go back and get it.Having got my leaving cert in the bag I was then pursuaded to go to college, which I was against as I didnt know if I would be able for it and also I had no clue what I wanted to study or what I even wanted to pursue as a "career". I ended up working regular jobs in factorys as a general operative which was to be honest an absolute nightmare. I was 27 working in a medical factory when I finally had my lightbulb moment. During my early 20's I always wondred how websites were made and what made them tick but that is all it ever was-a thought,I had always pondred the question of how are they made but never asked it, so I packed in my job and found a course that thought web development. I studied it in Cavan Institute along with other subjects that I never would have seen myself do in the past but I can honestly say that I know this is what I want to do with my life. Here I am 3 years later still in pursuit and still loving it!.



My Favourite Game

If I had to choose one game that was my favourite I would have to say Tomb Raider 2 for the PS1. This was one of the first games that I ever played. The fact that you could run around as a person in a 3D
environment was mind blowing, then on top of that they throw in that you can shoot the crap out of people also, Mind blown aged 7!. You could also run around her mansion having her butler follow you like a lost puppy and lock him in a walk in freezer which I found way too funny, poor chap never got a moments rest when I was playing.

Tomb Raider 2

My Favourite Place


I have not done much travelling in my time but I do plan to do more in the future once all this covid craic is over and done with. I have however been to America on two occasions visiting family I have there. America is a whole other world in comparison to Ireland and to be honest it was all a bit overwhelming to me as the first time that I was there I was only 8. The second time was much better and I have more fonder memories of it as I was a little older. Anyway this blog post is about my favourite place and I can honestly say that it is when I am playing football or training for football.

Training for football

Image link


Test Post

 This is my first post(Test)

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Unity Tutorial 9

 More Unity I have been a small bit behind on developing my game and have only got round to doing some actual work on it today, I have the s...